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Before becoming a well-being and success nurturer, I was chained to addiction and psychological atrophy. Dark clouds hovered and heckled, and it didn’t seem like there was a way out for me. I was on a downhill path until I discovered, studied, and have continued to practice coaching myself and others, the science breathwork, meditation and physical recovery from trauma.

It connected me to my inner consciousness and helped lift my mind and emotions from the depths. In its simple yet profound way, it served as the breakthrough therapy I needed to ease and heal mentally and spiritually.



Initially, it wasn’t easy. And the thought of just throwing in the towel seemed appealing. But I held on, stayed the course, worked on my mindset and eventually turned my life around. Like me, you might often find your spirit willing but your body weak and your mind adrift.

Allow me to help you use the right channels to align your body and mind and create a space where healing can flow. And if you stay on that path, the energy will trickle down to every corner of your whole being where there is brokenness and struggle, patching them up and infusing a sense of peace into each crease.

Lisa Newman Addiction Recovery



I overcame my limitations and now enjoy a more illumined view of life. With a good grip of my being, I can navigate life’s complex roads with the right tools and techniques. I utilise coaching practices, breathing exercises and Ayurveda principles in optimising my well-being.
These I want to share with people experiencing personal and business struggles that have hampered their growth for so long.

Through one-to-one mentoring, I create a specific program for each client tailored to their needs. I guide them to dive deep and break free from deep-seated weight revealing their chokepoints and helping them realise their purpose and potential.
Whether you struggle in the areas of your addicition, relationships, business, finance, career, body image, emotions, or mental health, there is a way to restore what was thrown out of balance inside you and heal what damaged you to your core.

You don’t have to be paralysed by your problem. The first step is recognising that you have one.

But before you engage in that battle, you need to be equipped with the right tools and strategies to defeat the enemy. A roadmap that leads and tracks your progress is important so you can avoid pitfalls and relapses.



I have shared my story so that you know I understand what you’re feeling. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed, hopeless, and confused constantly. You are not on a lonely journey. I believe my example can be a powerful message to reach out to those who need a breather. I received help and found my success, and now I am on a mission to do the same for others.

Let’s have a no-obligation talk and see how my tried and tested principles can help you break free from whatever limits you from becoming your best.

Book now and begin that journey!

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